
Learning Style Test

  • Scientific assessment
  • Detailed report


The Learning Style test helps students identify their learning style based on their senses, environment and mindset.

The Learning Style assessment reveals how you prefer to study, concentrate, and learn. The test analyses your learning preferences for immediate environment, emotionality, sociological needs, and physical needs. Being aware of the learning style will help students retain information and develop new strengths and interests to broaden their understanding of the world. The assessment output of the Learning Style test is a detailed 10-page report generated after assessing the different preferences of students. It helps the students understand their learning and productivity preferences. The sensory preference assesses the students’ senses that they use the most while learning. The environment preference tells the environment that affects the student while studying. The mindset preferences indicate the attitude of students while learning.


Gives a detailed report of different learning styles

Identifies the learning and productivity preferences

Develop new strengths and interests

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is a Learning Style?

It is how a human being of any age concentrates on, absorbs, processes and retains new and complicated information.

2) Does everybody have a Learning Style?

Yes, and everybody’s learning style is uniquely different.

3) What are sensory preferences?

Every individual learns with their four senses. But we like to use only one or two. The senses that we prefer to use more while learning is the sensory preferences.

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